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The ability to give has arrived; download the app or text give to the number at the bottom of this page. However, we want people to contribute because ministry does cost money. Luke's gospel, chapter six, verse thirty-eight in the New Living Translation, says, "Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you fully, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over and pouring into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back." 


The giving ability has arrived, connected to our ministry. The founder desires that people give freely to this ministry, finding it necessary given today's times. So, prepare your heart and mind to share and watch God tremendously bless you. Download the Tithely app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. After setting up your account, search for our ministry name. Thank you!

Picture of our Tithely app for giving to our ministries

Text give at 866-863-2078 and follow the prompts. Thank you!

Donations for my dissertation are below; tap GIVE. Thank you!

To give from the website, click on the GIVE button below.  Thank you!


We know the aftermath of the Coronavirus that has gripped the United States of America and the entire world, our families, and us.  This ministry was launched because churches moved to an online presence.  However, they were duplicating their in-person worship, and people searching for answers were not engaged especially given what we have experienced.   So, after the launch of this ministry, volunteers will undoubtedly be needed, especially in spreading this ministry domestically and abroad.  Know that the founder of this ministry is a man after God's heart (1 Sam 13:14).  The founder desires that others will catch the vision and volunteer to spread the word.  However, we will fellowship in person as the 1st-century churches did in Acts of the Apostles. 


It is the belief of this ministry that God uses the ordinary to do extraordinary to do remarkable things beyond their imagination. All God needs is a willing vessel (our bodies) to step out in faith, and God will blow our minds. You can help by being the person to support this ministry's growth and believe in our mission statement. So please join our efforts to answer those questions that so many have given what we have gone through after COVID-19 and all these variants. 


Our ministry is supporting Samaritan's Feet. Please watch the video if you feel led to give through our website or Samaritan's Feet. Then, click on the hyperlink on Samaritan's Feet. Why this organization, having served at Paramount Baptist Church, Liberty Baptist Church, and Payne Elementary School, all in Washington, D.C., to wash feet was a blessing to me and transforming for the recipients.  


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John Wesley, the founder of the United Methodist Church, said these words, “I look upon all the world as my parish; thus far I mean, that, in whatever part of it I am, [it is my] duty to declare unto all that are willing to hear, the glad tidings of salvation.  This is the work which I know God has called me to, and sure I am this blessing attends it.” (from Wesley’s journal entry on 11 June 1739).  Our sentiment is to do the same digitally and in person.  


1212 Strausberg Street

Accokeek, Maryland  20607


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